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Câu lệnh tìm kiếm trên Facebook 2 - Command graph search on Facebook 2

1. Track your Facebook Activity

My favorite pages
My favorite music
Books I like
Photos I have liked
Photos I have like that are recent
Places visited by me
Places nearby I visited
Games I like

2. View photos of friends, or even strangers

Photos of my friends
Photos of my friends of friends taken in [Place]
Photos of people named [Name]
Photos of (or uploaded by) [Name]
Photos of [Name] in (or before or after) [Year]
Photos commented on by [Name]
Photos liked by [Name]
Photos of [Person A] liked by [Person B]
Photos of [Person A] AND [Person B]

3. Find new places to eat, visit.

Restaurants nearby liked by my friends
[Cuisine] Restaurants liked by my friends of friends in [City]
Hotels nearby liked by my friends of friends
Friends who live (or have lived) in [Place]
Recent photos taken in [Place]
Places in [City] visited by people who live nearby

4. Discover things you may like.

Music (or Games or Movies) I may like
Books liked by people who like [Author Name]
Favorite Books (or Movies or TV Shows or Restaurants) of my friends
Movies liked by people who have interests similar to me
Musicians liked by people who listened to [Band Name]
Apps used by my friends
Apps people who live nearby use

5. What’s happening around you?

Events nearby
Local events this weekend
Events near [Place] today
Events attended by my friends that are tomorrow

6. Know your followers.

People who follow me
People who follow me and like [Page Name]
People who follow me and live in [City]
People who follow me and work at [Company]
People who follow me and were born in [Year]
Friends of friends who follow me

7. Grow your network

People I may know
People who live nearby and like [Interest Topic]
People who have seen [Movie]
People who have read [Book]
People who speak [Language]
People with similar interests to my friends
People who work at [Company] in [Year]
People who are not my friends and went to work at [Company] in [Year]
People who are friends of my friends
People who graduated from [College Name] in [Year]
People who studied [Subject] at [College] in [Year]
People who are not my friends and went to [School] in [Year]

8. Find someone on Facebook.

People who work nearby
People who are [Profession Name] (like Doctors, Programmers, etc.)
People who live in [Place]
People who are named [Full or Partial Name]
People who are [Gender] and live in [City] and [Relationship Status]
People who believe in [Religion Name]
People who are N years old
People who are older than X and younger than Y years
People who were born in [Year]
People who work at [Company A] and previously worked at [Company B]